In 2021 we took the House of Delegates, and in 2023 we will take the State Senate!


Restore: (transitive verbto bring back to or put back into a former or original stateRENEW


Virginia is rooted in liberty. It was the home of Founding Fathers George Washington, our first president and commander in chief; Thomas Jefferson, our third president and the author of the Declaration of Independence; and James Madison, our fourth president and the author of the United States Constitution. The commonwealth is also the esteemed birthplace of Patrick Henry, who in 1775 cried, “Give me liberty or give me death,” and finally on October 19, 1781, declared at Yorktown, Virginia that we secure our liberty and independence from an oppressive government.

But now that liberty is under attack.

Thanks to our many members, supporters, and donors, we achieved a historical victory in the election of 2021. It was not an easy fight, and it took nearly 2 years to plan, prepare and swing into action.

From 2019 till 2021, here at the Virginia Constitutional Conservatives we

  • Held over 30 Political Leadership Classes, to arm activists, staff and candidates with the latest in cutting edge tactics to defeat the far-left radicals

  • Recruited and trained numerous candidates and campaign staff

  • Built an army of liberty loving activists

  • Sent out over 4,7 Million Calls during the State Election of 2021

  • Deployed tens of millions of emails

  • Reached over 6 million voters on social media

  • Deployed dozens of activists and operatives in key House Districts

  • Flipped several House seats and helped elected real liberty champions

But now, watching the gun Grabbing Socialists in the State Senate gut our every attempt to Restore Virginia, we know we must take back the State Senate.

We have a historical opportunity. With redistricting we have many targets and many chances to toss out the trash.

Will you help us?

The “Richmond Radicals,” led by Ex-Governor “Radical Ralph” Northam, have trampled our rights, raised our taxes, and endangered our freedom. Virginia requires modern-day patriots to step up for liberty and to join a new revolution.One that’s truly of, by, and for the people.Thousands of Virginians fought and died for liberty. Their sacrifices must not be in vain. As the current citizens of the Old Dominion, we must stand up to tyrants, the political class, the socialist media, and the leftist talking heads. To keep this crisis from escalating we must Restore Virginia Now. We have witnessed what the socialists, abortionists, and gun grabbers will do when given the reins of power. We must snatch the reins and rebuild a foundation for liberty that will make us freer and more prosperous than before.


Ronald Reagan said “Freedom is only one generation from extinction.” If we do not act, who will? If we do not act now, then when?

The fight is just beginning, and we need your help. We are organizing local and county-wide teams, as well as teams aimed at specific 2023 election targets. These groups will be led by local organizers who will work with our state-level staff to forge an unstoppable machine. Our fundraising team is building our donor base, for donations are ammunition in politics. We are at war, and your liberty and property are at risk. We must work hard to build a formidable base of support that will arm us to Restore Virginia Now.

Because of fellow patriots like yourself, we have been able to build a 380,000 strong activist network here in Virginia, and we have stopped Northam's Gun Ban and so many other tyrannical schemes, while also taking back power from the gun grabbers.

But now the hard fight begins.

And now, in 2023, together we can make history. Not only must we “take out the trash” in the State Senate, but we must also roll back every single unconstitutional and tyrannical scheme the Richmond Radicals passed.


We simply cannot let Virginia slip quietly into tyranny. As the early patriots did in 1776, we must sound the battle cry. If we wait on politicians or the political class to save us, we have already lost. It is up to the free and independent citizens to rise up, and to bring meaning once again to our state motto: “Sic Semper Tyrannis” – thus always to tyrants.

This will be a long, hard fight, requiring confrontation over compromiseprinciple over politics, and liberty over tyranny.

Will you join us? Each of us brings various skills to the initiative, which is why we have created a variety of roles for those who join our political war to Restore Virginia Now.

Patrons: Those who arm our patriots for political war
Activists: The foot soldiers who create the political environment to restore liberty
Local organizers: Those who help direct our efforts at the local and county level
Campaign staff: Those who are trained and skilled in the art/science of campaigns
Liberty candidates: Champions of freedom who will lead the fight inside the General Assembly

We cannot succeed without all five teams, and we certainly cannot win without your help. Freedom is worth fighting for! Will we allow tyranny to reign over future generations, or will we take back our state and restore the Constitution and the rule of law? It is up to you. Will you join us in the fight to Restore Virginia Now? If so, click here for more information.